Friday, November 16, 2007


Welcome to my blog. What is it that people find interesting in reading other people's blogs? For me it is a world full of unique individuals sharing their experiences, knowledge perspectives and ideas in a format that almost anyone anywhere can share. As I look back at my life, I would say it has been full. Full of great music, wonderful food, unique people, some world travels and above all, an appreciation of everything there is out there that one can experience. Every day I find something or someone new that adds to my life. I have been extremely fortunate in my life in that I have not suffered great hardships. When I look back at the few hard times I have experienced, they seem more like opportunities for growth than true trials. I have not suffered long bouts of poverty although there certainly have been some hard times. I have not experienced war, hunger, unexpected loss of loved ones or any of the extreme hardships that so many in the world face daily. My experiences have brought me to where I am today. What I talk about in this blog is a reflection of those experiences. I hope you find it interesting.

Also, please visit my website to hear some of my music and find out a bit about my life as a musician

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