Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Music

That's me in my back yard contemplating something or maybe just posing for a picture. Anyway, I have a MySpace website (doesn't everybody) where I am posting new music as I finish it. There are 2 new pieces there. One is called "Chill" which is in the Silk Road vein but a bit more kicked up. I am working on a new project and this is one of the pieces from it. I have invited collaborators to write and record their own parts to the basic structure so this tune may change before the project is done, but I think it stands on its own pretty well at this point. The second new song is "Love I've Been Waiting For" I decided to branch out a bit and try my hand at some Pop or R&B type stuff. This is the first completed tune of three I am working on. It is a collaboration between me and 2 very talented women. Kristen Carlson wrote the lyrics and part of the melody. Check out her MySpace page (after you check out mine) Kereli Jones (My good friend Ed "Tinker" had the good sense to get engaged to her) did the vocal work. Wow. I had heard her sing before, mostly as a back-up vocalist is some local bands, but I had no idea she had this kind of voice. She absolutely blew me away. She came in to my studio and did 4 or 5 takes and we were done. Perfect intonation, really clear diction, great tone. She nailed it. I added just a bit of reverb to the vocals and that's it. No computer processing or tuning. I intend on working on some other songs with her. You can listen to it and Chill here. Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds really great Vince. The song is good, and Kereli has a beautiful voice, just exactly right for the song. Keep up the good work!!